September 9, 2019 at 2:15PM
Good afternoon Mattie’s!!!
I know, I know where have you have been? Where are the updates? What’s up with the boat? Blah, blah, blah, I get it! You all miss me!!!!
Fact of the matter though the last update came the day after I "Fixed" the boat and got back on the board with 8 on 8/28. What you didn't know is that 2 days later on 8/30 I hauled in 11 to bring my August total to 19. Obviously, due to the mechanical problems, August basically screwed the people with the higher numbers and us for a record setting year- only fishing 2 days, but it looks very promising for September as each day I get one more band-aid on the boat!
Not that I really needed a break (lets be honest I've been on break all summer. I actually hired out the whole condo renovation and just told Liza that I did it! Hehehe). Anyway, last
week I took part in the annual Casella Family Vacation in New Jersey where they pretty much stuff the whole 20-person family into one house like sardines - JUST KIDDING - Hahahaha - I can feel some staring & rolling eyeballs pointed in my direction right now!
The vacation is actually a blast!! Prior to the trip John Jr. (shout out - whoop whoop) had asked that I bring my crustacean catching talents down with me to go crabbin'!!! I have only been crabbin’ once - with John! I am not really sure how to do this, however John had
proclaimed that he used to haul in buckets full back in the day....5 hours and a six pack later we walked away with 2 messily angry little blue crab. At least we did not get skunked and we have a picture for proof (attached). I am going to do some research and figure them out for next year, just may have to take a road trip with the Liza B.
Couple informational videos on Crabbin’...John and I did the second.
Northern New Jersey Blue Crab Fishing
Crabbing in New Jersey 2018 in 4K
Anyways back to something that we do catch...Liza and I got back Thursday night and I was itching for a nice 3 days of getting back to what I love...until f@#ing Dorian decided to mess us up. I took a ride out on Saturday only to have to turn back due to 12-foot fierce crashing waves; perfect storm material - band-aided boat and alone I figured it was not in my best interest to continue.
To be honest based on the size of the waves I wasn't sure I would have traps left. Long story short I caught eight yesterday in four traps and ran back out quick this morning for the other five and hauled in another 10. I am missing one trap likely due to storm, so as of now we have nine traps fully cleaned out from seaweed, de-tangled, and re-baited for what is looking like a strong September! LFG!!!
Down to the numbers:
Lobsters caught YTD 2019: 165
Lobsters caught YTD 2018 (Exact date): 177
Lobsters Caught Sept 2018: 47
As you can see even with boat issues, we are only 12 behind last year’s numbers...not too bad considering that I had expect to be caught up to last year’s catch or quite a bit ahead by the end of the week. This should have happened last month, but I also expect to throw my first few victims, my goal is to get to Kenny at 218!
Side Note 1: I changed my band color to Red because I am about to get scorching hawt again - just like my engine.
Side Note 2: Picking my trailer up today and pulling boat out of water tomorrow for some further inspections.
Side Note 3: WCS 3 although he is not aware will be the first guest aboard.the.liza.b tomorrow since boat has been fixed.
Still Up Coming: Uncle Archie's Kitchen and LD Lobster Rolls (back in business betches!)
Go Pats!
Positively Capt’n Duder
Disclaimer: This is the raw unedited version 😱 Sorry if there are typos, if I made fun of someone, or hurt someone’s feelings!